Maria Kronander

Maria Kronander

B.A. Textile Studies, Uppsala University

I have a background as a teacher in mathematics and chemistry which has been my profession for forty years. Since my youth I have been interested in weaving, and have spent most of my spare time with different weaving projects. After retirement, I have studied textile history, and have obtained a bachelor’s degree. My special interest is analysis and reconstruction of old textiles, together with the techniques and cultures from which they emanated.


Publications / theses

2017. Den lilla Väfboken, Patent från 1876. Bachelor thesis in Textile Studies/History, Department of Art History, Uppsala University.

2017. Fragment från båtgrav 6 i Valsgärde, Gamla Uppsala. Sätergläntan, Institutet för slöjd och hantverk.


2021. Reconstruction of Woollen Cloth from the Boatgraves in Valsgärde, Sweden. Conference paper presentation and article, NESAT XIV (North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles). Oulu, Finland. Accepted.