Karolina Pallin

Karolina Pallin

M.A. Textile Studies, Uppsala University

B.A. Archaeology, Uppsala University


A masters' degree in Textile studies and a bachelor's degree in Archaeology in combination with a genuine interest in traditional crafts and digital tools make my work extremely rewarding. As an object-based researcher I work primarily with archaeological textiles. As a craftsperson, I focus mainly on decorative textile techniques. Combining this, however, gives the most exciting questions; How can we use crafts knowledge as a method in scientific research? How can we measure skill in a crafted object, and how can we save, store, analyse, compare and understand this? Adding digital tools allows working creatively with research data in the form of data modelling, database development and data analytics. Adding a digital presentation layer on top of this gives the opportunity for visual analyses and meaningful visual presentations of research data and results, hopefully also to an audience outside of the academic world.

Publications / theses and presentation papers - a selection

2022. Brocaded tablet-woven bands from Viking age boat graves in Valsgärde, Sweden - different techniques, similar appearance. Conference proceedings NESAT XIV (North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles). Oulu.


Recorded presentation video:  https://youtu.be/QxiPeT-1GBg

2021. "Hey, I got one of those DNA tests on my birthday. I am 10% Viking!" -"Cool, what kind of Viking are you then?". Conference presentation and poster. The Viking Age as a Foreign Place, Centre for Viking Age Studies. Poster exhibited at the Museum of Cultural History, Olso. https://textilarkeologi.se/our-research/the-narratives-of-viking-legacy.html

2021. Session chair, Vendel and Viking age textiles. NESAT XIV (North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles). Oulu.

2020. Viking Age silk in present-day Central Sweden. From a textile technical perspective. Conference presentation with A. Larsson. Beauty, Power, Mysteries. Silk in Byzantine Commonwealth and beyond. The material evidence, Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO).

2019. Central Asian Silk Culture in Viking Age Scandinavia. Co-author. Symposium presentation, co-author. Main author: A. Larsson. 4th IASSRT (International Association for the Study of Silk Road Textiles). Kislovodsk, Russia. Hosted by Nasledie Institute Scientific Research Institute of Archeology and Ancient History of the North Caucasus (Stavropol)

2019. "The position of craft- and practical research within the academic world: A grounded theory of problems and solutions". The journal 15 / 2019, the Museum of applied Art, Belgrade. Peer-reviewed. Read here


2019. Vikingatida brickväv från Valsgärdes båtgravar, en teknikbeskrivning samt några tankar (Viking age tablet weave from the boat-graves in Valsgärde: a technical description and some thoughts). Bachelor thesis, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University. Read on Researchgate or Academia.

2018. The whipstaff mascaron: Symbolism and the making of space in a 17th century Swedish warship. Conference presentation. The Society for Historical Archaeology 2018 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology. New Orleans, USA. Read on Researchgate (paper, presentation) or Academia (paper, presentation).

2017. Med föremål som källa: En textilhistorikers perspektiv på mötet mellan praktisk kunskap och Material Culture Studies. Master thesis, Department of Art History, Uppsala university. Read on Researchgate or Academia.

2017. Praktisk kunskap i vetenskaplig forskning - Practical knowledge in scientific research . Lecturer at Innovation Friday, Enköping, Sweden.

2016. Vendeltida båtkapell, textilt näverhantverk i Valsgärdes båtgravar. Bachelor thesis, Department of Art History, Uppsala university.

Read on Researchgate or Academia.